Friday, January 23, 2015

Healthy Aging: Pomegranate Wonderfully Nutritious

History: Pomegranate has been valued throughout history by various cultures for its delightful flavor and its medicinal properties. The fruit is depicted in ancient Egyptian art & is mentioned several times in in the Bible. Miniature replicas of pomegranates made of thread & wool decorate the fringes of the high priests’ robes in ancient Israel. Also, chains of decorative pomegranates were strung around pillars of the temple in Jerusalem.

Benefits: Pomegranate has antioxidant, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. One pomegranate fruit has 63-70 calories, 15 to 19 carbohydrate grams and 259 milligrams of potassium. In alternative medicine, it has been used to treat diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Extract of pomegranate has been shown to fight against staph, salmonella and some kinds of strep bacteria. In the dental field it has been found to inhibit the formation of the bacteria that causes plaque, aid in healing after periodontal procedures and reduce signs of chronic periodontitis. In a 2004 study by Iran National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute, type II diabetes patients, significantly reduced their cholesterol levels by consuming pomegranate juice concentrate daily.

Potential: Studies conducted at the University of Wisconsin and the University of California at Los Angeles found that pomegranate oil, juice and extract have to potential to prevent a variety of cancers, including breast, skin, colon, and lung cancer. Pomegranate may also be helpful to patients with coronary heart disease and high blood pressure, according to a study published in the September 15, 2008, issue of the American Journal of Cardiology.

Warning: Some people have an allergic reaction to pomegranate and can experience side effects as severe as anaphylactic shock and laryngeal edema. Pomegranate can have serious interaction with some medications.

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